How to find old Zalo Messages on PC, Phone by Date
If you are looking to find old messages in chat on Zalo, new features updated on Zalo will help you, let's find out with Loanplan!
1. Benefits of features to find instant messages on Zalo
- Helps you save maximum time if you want to find old message content.
- Help you easily find messages based on keywords. Also, searching by keyword will be faster than pulling a bunch of old news, no need to remember the content.
2. How to find old Zalo messages on your phone
Applies to both Android phones and iPhone.
Search by keyword
If you want to find all the contacts you can go to the search section on Zalo > sSelect Messages.
Or go to the Messages section > select the 3 tile icon if you want to search > select the magnifying glass icon if you want to find a message in a specific contact.
Search by date
On the Zalo phone, you can search by pressing the slider next to the screen > slide and see the date and stop at the date you want to find.
3. How to find old Zalo messages on computer and web versions?
Similar to phones, Zalo on computers and web versions can be searched by keyword or by date
Search by keyword
If you want to find all the contacts you can go to the search section on Zalo> view messages.
Or if you want to find a message for a specific contact, go to messaging> Magnifying glass icon.
Enter the keyword> enter> surf and select the message you want to read to be taken to the specified location.
Search by date
In the search section > select Sent Date> select the desired timeline or set the time yourself.
FAQs Answers to some related questions
- Can deleted messages be found?
No, delete it and can't find it again. Because the message data has been deleted from your account.
- The message has not been deleted, but still Zalo . Can not be found in
Maybe because of Zalo's search error, you should try searching with different keywords instead of phrase to limit missing messages!
Recently, I showed you how to search for messages in Zalo. Thanks for following the article! See you in the next post !
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